5 Key Guidelines for First Aid in Secondary Education

First Aid in Secondary Education is often seen as a grey area for many schools & academies. We’re often asked what they need in place in terms of First Aid requirements to ensure they fulfil all the obligations.
Get Your Free First Aid in Secondary Education e-Book to give you clear guidance on your first aid provision for HSE, Ofsted and ISC.

Asbestos in Schools

Many schools in the UK have asbestos present in there buildings.
Learn more about your responsibility for managing asbestos in school and download the HSE’s free checklist supporting you in reviewing your asbestos procedures.

Maintaining Training in Schools

Managing Training in Schools has been extremely challenging, with staff needing to isolate. Along with maintaining your duty of care for the children, training has become minimal in many education settings.

We’re sharing the experience of two different primary schools, Angela, School Business Manager and Edith, School Administrator

5 Major Benefits of Onsite Training

5 Benefits of onsite training

Onsite training offers the perfect balance between flexibility and cost-effectiveness for training your team.

In this post, I delve into the 5 major reasons why onsite training can work for your business.

Read on to find out more.

Benefits of Onsite Training

1 – Flexibility

The biggest benefit of onsite training.

You get a choice of dates and times to suit you including Saturdays and evenings.

And, with Livius, you can split your course over a couple of sessions, so you don’t have to lose staff for a day.

Picking onsite training means you get the training you need at time convenient for you.

Group fire safety training

2 – Adaptable courses

With onsite training, you train in the environment your team work in on a day-to-day basis.

Therefore, each course is adapted to your environment; your team; everyday tasks being conducted and common problems faced by employees and managers.

The result?

A well-trained workforce who have the knowledge to work safely in their environment

3 – Safer working practices

Following on from the previous point…

Receiving practical, simple to follow advice which is relevant to your situation makes employees safer at work

So, you’ll see a boost in productivity and a reduction in days off through illness and injury.

A win-win for you and your team.

Manual Handling Training HSE
The Health and Safety Executive have been urging businesses to purchase tailored courses which take into account your workplace’s risks and hazards. Read more here.

4 – Open Health and Safety Discussions

As a manager, it can be hard to spot every single hazard in a working environment.

So, talking to your team is greatly advised.

But, without training, they maybe unsure about the risks they currently face.

Group training gives both employees and managers the chance to think and reflect on issues faced in their everyday working environment.

Which they can discuss with the trainer and take any advice given back into their day-to-day activities.

In the end: Open streams of communication will lead to safer working environments.

5 – Cost-effective team training

Cost-effective training

All these benefits must come at a cost. At least, more so than sending staff on open courses?

Not necessarily.

In fact, it can work out cheaper for larger groups.

Over a certain number, you’ll start seeing the savings.

And, for smaller teams? Well, the added flexibility might be worth the slight increase in price.


When looking to train your team, it is important to consider onsite training as an option.

In this post, we have discussed the 5 major benefits of onsite training, from greater flexibility to cost-savings.

So, next time you need your team training, you’ll have a greater understanding of onsite training and whether it can work for your business.

For a personalised quote, fill in our form on our onsite training page. Alternatively, pick up the phone and call us on 0143 396780.