First Aid Training Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions

Got a burning first aid training question that you need answering?

You’re in luck!

Below we have compiled a list of common first aid FAQs to put you in the know!

What is first aid and why is it important?

First aid is the care given to someone that has become ill or injured before qualified medical assistance is available.

Qualified first aiders are not only a legal requirement within a workplace, but they can provide lifesaving care in an emergency. In addition, it shows that an employer is looking after his/her employees and the safety of an organisation.

Is first aid training mandatory?

Businesses need to meet the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations which states that employers must have enough suitable persons to give the adequate care in the workplace. Therefore, a qualified first aider is legally required in most workplaces.

What are the aims of first aid?

The main aims of first aid are outlined by the 3 Ps:

  • Preserve Life – administering the correct first aid to save a casualty’s life.
  • Prevent the condition from worsening – providing the correct treatment for the underlying cause of injury or illness.
  • Promote Recovery – Giving ongoing treatment whilst waiting for the emergency services to arrive.

What are the benefits of first aid training?

Some of the benefits include:

  • First aiders can save lives
  • Employers can meet HSE guidance
  • Employees feel safer at work
  • Employees become more safety aware
  • Reduced injury recovery time

How long does first aid training last?

Each first aid course has a different running time. Notably, the lengths of the first aid courses we run are:

How long is first aid training valid for?

All accredited first aid courses are valid for 3 years. This includes EFAW, FAW, paediatric first aid and emergency paediatric first aid.

Conversely, our anaphylaxis & EpiPen and basic life support & AED training courses are in-house qualifications and therefore valid for life. Despite this, we recommend that they are retaken every year to refresh a candidate’s knowledge.

What are the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 and what do they cover?

These regulations detail the crucial aspects of first aid that employers must address.

The key points are:

  • first aid regulationsAn employer must provide an adequate and appropriate number of suitable persons who can provide first aid to employees. (Suitable persons are defined as someone who has undergone an HSE approved first aid training course.)
  • Employers must provide adequate and appropriate first aid equipment and facilities.
  • When a suitable person is absent from the workplace, an employer must appoint someone to take care of first aid equipment, facilities and situations.
  • Employers must inform employees of all first aid provisions including the location of facilities, equipment and personnel.
  • Self-employed persons need to provide adequate and appropriate equipment to enable them to perform first aid on themselves whilst at work.

Here are the complete Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.

What first aid training do I need?

Your first aid needs and requirements can be discovered by conducting a first aid needs assessment.

A needs assessment considers tasks being performed, your workforce and the hazards faced in your working environment. For further guidance, visit this Health and Safety Executive page.

Am I a high or low-risk business?

Whether your business or organisation is high or low risk will be detailed in your health and safety risk assessment. Although, if you are having trouble filling this out, visit the HSE website for plenty of useful information.

A brief overview is given below.

High-risk construction site

High-risk businesses involve tasks that pose a higher degree of hazard to their workforce.

Often, this involves hazards such as chemicals or heavy machinery where an accident poses a greater threat to life.

As a result, typical work environments include:

  • Warehouses
  • Construction sites
  • Food processing plants
  • Manufacturing plants

Low-risk organisations encounter low degree hazards.

Often, these are environments that are unlikely to cause life-threatening injuries.

Typical examples include:

  • Offices
  • Shops
  • Libraries

How many first aiders does my business need?

The number of first aiders required depends on your first aid needs assessment.

High-risk businesses will require more first aiders with the 3-day first aid at work qualification.First aider guidance

Whereas, low-risk businesses may only need first aiders with an emergency first aid at work qualification.

With this in mind, a useful guide is shown to the right.

Remember: The HSE has provided this as a rough guideline but this is not set in stone. Employers and responsible persons are best suited to make a judgement on the number of first aiders which are adequate and appropriate for their organisation.

Some important things to consider when considering how many first aiders are required are:

  • The tasks being performed daily
  • Hazards experienced by your workforce
  • The size of your workforce and any special requirements
  • Shift patterns
  • Annual leave and sickness
  • Your illness and injury records

Again, the HSE provides excellent guidance on first aid needs assessments. If you are completely unsure, call us on 01423 396780 for a free consultation.

What are the first aid requirements in schools?

Schools have a duty to protect their pupils and staff. Therefore, schools often send staff on training courses that cover first aid on children and infants.

Courses relevant to schools are:

What age does Paediatric First Aid cover up to?

Paediatric first aid is only applicable to infants and children.

Where an infant is defined as a person within the age range of 0-1 and a child from 1 until the onset of puberty.

Which courses cover the use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)?

Defibrillation on adults – Emergency first aid at work, first aid at work and basic life support & defibrillation.

Defibrillation on children and infants – Emergency paediatric first aid and paediatric first aid.

Do any of the First Aid courses cover allergies and anaphylaxis?

Emergency paediatric first aid, paediatric first aid and anaphylaxis & EpiPen training all cover these topics.

Automated External Defibrillator practice

What items should be included in a first aid kit?

In 2011, the British Standards Institute launched the new workplace first aid kits (BS 8599-1) which allow employers to meet specific requirements.

However, the contents of a first aid kit will differ depending on your exact workplace. Once again, your first aid needs assessment will need to be consulted before deciding the contents of your first aid kit.

In other words, a business has the responsibility to decide what is necessary to include in their first aid kit.

Some items to include are:

  • A first aid kit contents listfirst aid kit contents
  • A leaflet containing first aid information
  • Medium and large dressings
  • Plasters
  • A Triangular bandage
  • Safety pins
  • Eye pads
  • Antiseptic wipes
  • Adhesive tape
  • Nitrile glove (pairs)
  • A Resus face shield
  • A Foil blanket
  • Eyewash
  • Burn dressings
  • Scissors
  • A Thermometer
  • Painkillers

Remember to check the use by dates on the contents of your first aid kit regularly. Thereby, ensuring anything that has gone out of date can be replaced.

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